Dew It Skin

Dew It - Body Silk

Rp 77,000 Rp 232,000

What Is It

But what if there’s no time during the day?

We got you, girl! Comforting and thick, the Dew It Body Silk is here to keep your skin hydrated all night long and glowing the next day. This silk is perfect for a nighttime routine that keeps you moisturized while you sleep!

An immersive, rich overnight moisturizer for deep and nourishing soft skin.

Dab, Snooze, DEW IT!


Pelembab yang melindungi di malam hari, untuk kulit lembut dan halus.

How To Use It

Step 1: Put your Dew It Body Silk next to your bed side

Step 2: Open the jar, take a little with your body brush

Step 3: Spread it all over your arms and legs

Step 4: Massage or even it out with a body brush

Step Five: Get some shut-eye, busy girl!


Wake up with deeply hydrated skin with our balanced blend of Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Cocoa Butter, Rice Bran Oil and D-Phytogen with Anti-aging, Anti- oxidation.

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