Dew It Skin

Dew It - Cooling Cream

Rp 45,000 Rp 115,000


Say hello to Dew It Anytime - Cooling Cream, your Ultimate Spot Savior!

Effectively soothe and deflate both your inflamed acne and bacne with this multipurpose drying lotion. It is also suitable to calm rashes, allergies, sunburns, insect bites & stings and post-workout irritation.

This hands-free rescue relief therapy is ultra-moisturizing, deeply soothing and provides hydration for all ages. Skin is instantly relieved, instantly glowing.

Pump, soothe, DEW it!


Your Spot Savior cream dari Dew It telah hadir dalam kemasan travel-friendly yang mudah untuk dipakai kapanpun, dimanapun.

Efektif mengempeskan dan mengurangi kemerahan akibat jerawat muka dan/atau punggung dalam waktu 3 hari!

Dew It Anytime Cooling Cream juga merupakan krim serbaguna yang secara cepat menyejukkan, melembapkan dan meredakan alergi, gatal, iritasi, serta inflamasi akibat paparan sinar matahari pada kulit badan.



A multitasking hydrating cream that effectively provides instant soothing sensation to skin redness due to acne, sensitivity and sun exposure. 

Step 1: Shake before use and then open the lid. 

Step 2: Pump the lotion into the Silky Body Brush and spread unto the affected area.

Step 3: Allow 3-5 minutes to seep through

Step 4: Take a rest and let the magic happen!



Mentha piperita (peppermint) oil, cucumis sativus (cucumber) extract, refreshing aloe barbadensis leaf extract, relieving calamine

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